first lady Jacqueline B. henry
Our FIRST LADY, Jacqueline Bell Henry, is a native of New Castle, PA. She is the fifth of six children and grew up in Mount Olive, NC after her family relocated when she was six years old. She graduated from Wayne County Schools, earned a B.S. in Business Administration from Mount Olive College and a Master of Arts in Teaching Secondary Mathematics from UNC Wilmington. Sis. Henry is a former flight attendant, as well as a former high school mathematics teacher. She was also the Lead Teacher for the Jr. Seahawks Academy, a math, science, and technology camp sponsored by the UNCW-Watson School of Education. To better serve, she has also earned a Certificate in Theology from The Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC) in Atlanta, GA.

Sister Jacqi, as many fondly refer to her, served as the chairperson for the Middle District Missionary Baptist Association Ministers’ Wives Fellowship. She has served through various ministries at Macedonia, including Sunday School and Youth Bible Study Teacher; Youth Activities Coordinator; Praise Dance Ministry; and Music Ministry as Musician/Director and choir member. She organized and directs our youngest choir members, the Sunshine Band. Sis Jacqi is looking forward to serving the 3rd generation of Sunshine Band members!!! She is the coordinator for our Women’s Fellowship and Annual Women’s Empowerment Conference. In June 2017, Sister Jacqi embarked upon her heart’s passion, My Sisters’ Keeper Pastors’ Wives Fellowship.
Sis. Jacqi has experienced health challenges that have required extreme lifestyle changes but has only strengthened her relationship with God and her desire to serve. She is a woman who loves her God! She strives to keep God first and to honor Him in all that she does. Her desire is to fulfill her divine purpose in this life and to edify the Body of Christ. Sis. Jacqi is humbled that God would use her even in the smallest of ways, as He continues to grow her and shape her life as a reflection of Him. There are two of many beloved verses that help to guide her from day-to-day. One is Psalms 37:4, “Delight thyself also in the Lord and He will give thee the desires of thine heart.” The other is Prov. 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not to thine own understanding. In all thine ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.”
To trust and follow the Lord is her daily prayer.