The Word of God
Please visit the What You Need to Know page for virtual schedule.
Sunday Morning Bible Study
Every Sunday
9:30-10:30 a.m.
Our adult Sunday School is now our Sunday Morning Bible Study. We use the International Sunday School lesson plan where we study through the whole Bible every two years. On this page, we will list the lessons and Scriptures for each Sunday.
Every Sunday, classes are available for all ages. The adults meet in the sanctuary.
Winter Quarter At-A-Glance: Our Love for God
Our love for God took on new meaning when God came to live in our world.
Our Love for God, the title of this quarter’s studies, can be a rather humbling subject. While the Lord’s love is everlasting (Jeremiah 31:3), ours is inconsistent and “never lasting.” Still, the command to love God is, as Jesus stated, “the first and greatest commandment” (Matthew 22:36-38). Lessons this quarter are drawn from both the Old and New Testament, since loving God is seen throughout Scripture as humanity’s principal response to God.
Lessons for December, January, and February
December 30: Love God and Serve Others – Matthew 25:31-46
January 6: Walk In Love – 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5; 2 John 4-11
January 13: Submit to God – James 4:1-10
January 20: Rejoice in All Circumstances – Philippians 1:12-21
January 27: Imitate Christ – Philippians 2:1-11
February 3: Press On in Christ – Philippians 3:7-14
February 10: Our Loving God – Psalm 48:1-3, 9-14
February 17: Our Mighty God – Psalm 66:1-9, 16-20
February 24: Our Rescuing God – Psalm 91:1-8, 11-16
Wednesday Bible Study
Noon and 6:30 p.m.
We meet in the church’s fellowship hall at 12 noon and in the sanctuary at 6:30 p.m. At the 6:30 session, classes are available for all ages. The adults meet in the sanctuary and our youth meet downstairs.
Journey with us…
Our new Bible study begins Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The book is available on Amazon or CBD.com
Jesus’ invitation is an invitation to a relationship
and it begins with a simple request: follow me.
Matthew 4:19 (KJV)
“And he saith unto the, Follow me,
and I will make you fishers of men.”
Religion says, “Change and you can join us.”
Jesus says, “Join us and you will change.”
There’s a huge difference.
Lesson One: “Jesus Says!” PDF MS Word
Lesson Two: “Next Steps” PDF MS Word
Lesson Three: “Fearless!” PDF MS Word
Lesson Four: “Follow Wear” PDF MS Word
Lesson Five: “The Fine Print” PDF MS Word

Women's Bible Study
2nd and 4th Thursday
6:00 p.m.
Are you interested in interacting more meaningfully with the Bible?
Would you like to engage with the Word more and see yourself in the story? This is what our Women’s Bible Study group has been experiencing through the method of Storying!
-A Bible story is read or told by memory to the group.
-The learners then retell the story as best as they can.
-Someone then reads the story from the Bible.
-The group then discusses what/so what/how/the implications
and applications of the story.
It is an effort to practice the oral tradition of the Bible and discover what familiar and not so familiar stories are saying to us. Our series for the remainder of the year will be “Christ in the Bible.”
[Jesus] said to them, “This is what I told you while I was still with you:
Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses.”
Luke 24:44
There is no finer teacher on whether Jesus is to be found in the pages of the Old Testament than the teaching of our Lord Jesus himself. It was He who said in John 5:39, “You diligently study the Scriptures [which at that time were the 39 books of the Old Testament] …. These are the Scriptures that testify about me.” In Luke 24: 25-27, Jesus rebuked Cleopas, and that other unnamed disciple, as they walked along the road to Emmaus on that first Easter Sunday, “How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Did not Christ have to suffer these things and then enter His glory? And beginning with Moses and all the prophets, [Jesus] explained to them what was said in all the [Old Testament] Scriptures concerning himself.” It is only right that we should find that Jesus was present in the Old Testament. It was accurately predicted that He would come first as our Savior, and then in a later second coming, would appear as the King supreme over all the earth. Such an unusual state of affairs is possible because He was, He is, and He is the One to come!
(Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., Ph.D., Old Testament Scholar
All Scriptures will be read using the New International Version (NIV)
Scripture for Thursday, August 22: Genesis 3: “The Fall of Man”
Scripture for Thursday, September 12: Deuteronomy 34: 1-12: “The Death of Moses”
Scripture for Thursday, September 26: 2 Samuel 7:1-17:
“A Keen Disappointment: A Gracious Compensation”
Scripture for Thursday, October 10: 2 Samuel 9: “Mercy Meeting Misery”
Ladies: Please join us!