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Macedonia MBC Ministries


Choir Ministry

The most important role of the choir is to provide a spiritual setting for the worshippers. The music should always lift the hearts and minds of the people toward God. Our music ministry is coordinated by Pastor Henry and Dr. Jerry Oates, our minister of music. Other members of our music ministry are:


Brother Antron Anthony – Organist

Sister Wilma Daniels – Choir Liaison

Brother Tyrone Robinson – Guitarist


Our choirs and praise teams minister as follows:  

8 a.m. Worship Service

First, Second, Third, and Fourth Sunday – Morning Glory Ensemble

Fifth Sunday – Rev. T. L. Henry Male Chorus


11 a.m. Worship Service

First Sunday – Sanctuary Choir                                            

Second Sunday – Psalmists      

Third Sunday – Mass Choir                                               

Fourth Sunday – Youth Choir  and Sunshine Band

Fifth Sunday – Rev. T. L. Henry Male Chorus  



Deacons assist Pastor Henry with the spiritual care of the sick and needy. They also assist the Pastor in advancing the general interest of the Church Body.


Facilities Management Team

These members (formerly trustees) are responsible for the upkeep of the Church and all tangibles. Members for this ministry are appointed. Brother Thomas Chapman is the team leader.


Marriage Enrichment

Workshops and getaways are planned to enrich and enlighten marriages. The coordinators are Brother and Sister Tommy and Davetta Guinn.


Pastoral Care

Our Pastoral Care team assists Pastor Henry with providing spiritual and emotional support to our members and the community. In addition to assisting with Pastoral Care, our deacons assist Pastor Henry in advancing the general interests of the Church Body.


The Pastoral Care Team


Ushers Ministry

Ushering has been a part of our church program since the early existence of our church. Their purpose is to ensure all who worship with Macedonia is comfortable and at home during our services. 


Within the scope of ushering, we have the Hospitality and Greeters ministries. Ministry coordinators are

Ushers – Sister Genevieve Beatty,         

Hospitality – Sister Vivian Green

Greeters – 
 8a – Sister Velma Manual-McKoy

 11a – Sister Brenda Howard


Christian Education

Sunday Morning Bible Study – 9:30 a.m.  Bible Study – Wednesday at Noon and 6:30 p.m. 
Youth Bible Study – Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.


Sunday Morning Bible Study – coordinated by Deacon Joe Mitchell and Sister Janice Sandlin

Noon Bible Study–Pastor Henry                 

Family Bible Study – Pastor Henry

Youth Bible Study – Rev. Collette Caldwell, Rev. Danielle Glaze, Rev. Christopher Murray

Women’s Bible Study–Rev. Danielle Glaze




Deaconess assists with communion and help candidates prepare for Baptism.  


Health and Wellness

This ministry provides assistance for congregational medical emergencies.  In addition, they coordinate programs to encourage healthy lifestyles.  Participants should be certified in an aspect of the healthcare profession. Our team leader is Deaconess Marian Reed.


Media Ministry 

Audio and Video tapes of worship services are available. Deacon Roger Sims is the coordinator. Sister Willie Melvin heads the duplication of CDs and DVDs. Sister Deborah Williams is the head projectionist.


Reach Ministry

This ministry reaches out to our members. They stand with new members when they are received into the church. They also reach out to members who are absent from church services for a period of time. The ministry leaders are Deaconess Karen Carlton, Ada Fullwood, Joyce Mitchell, Della Porter, and Dorothy Syles.


Van Ministry

Volunteers for this ministry drive the church’s van/bus to transport congregants to and from our 11 a.m. worship service. Brother Thomas Chapman is our coordinator.


Congregational Enrichments

Dedicated to planning activities for members of our church and community enabling them to gather and become acquainted not only with each other but to also create a bond of worship, prayer, and friendship. This ministry consists of the following groups: 


Band of Brothers – Deacon Fairron Newton and Brother Harold Streety, Jr.                       

Christian Women’s Fellowship –  Sister Jacqueline Henry             

The A. Rich Singles Ministry

Adult Praise Dancers – Sister Erika Simpson

Mime – Sister Lisa DeLoach




Evangelism Ministry

To reach the lost by showing the love of Jesus Christ through outreach and fellowship. 


“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.   Romans 10:9,10.  NIV


If you are in need of emergency services, click here. 


Helping Hands

This ministry involves Macedonia in community projects that help us reach far beyond the walls of Macedonia. Our team leader is Deaconess Bessie Wilson.


Missions Ministry

The Missions Department was formed by Christians who, through their faith in God, wanted to help others. All Missionary Baptists are missionaries.  Another extension of our missionary calling is an active Outreach Ministry to nursing homes, prisons, hospitals and those in need. Sister Norma Crummy is our president.


Serenity Ministry

A ministry whose purpose is to assist individuals with varying concerns or problems, embracing the whole person – spirit, mind, and body (I Thessalonians 5:23). Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety (Proverbs 11:14 KJV). Sister Sadie Winfrey is our coordinator.


Youth Ministry

In obedience to the Word, our Youth Ministry is structured to nurture, educate and train our youth to honor and hold in reverence the WORD of God.  This tender aspect of Christian Education and Enrichment is attained through the ministries of Sunday School, Youth Missions, Bible Study, Tutoring and the Praise Dancers. The Deacons for Youth Ministries:  Ronnie Jenkins, and Bertrand Wilder. Javoke Terrell is a Deacon-in-Training.

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