Greetings from Pastor Henry

Greetings and welcome to our website! Though these pages reflect a fraction of our image and character as a church, it is our prayer that our website provides you with a sample of how ministry happens, whom we worship and who we are at Macedonia.
I have been privileged to serve as the Senior Pastor of Macedonia Missionary Baptist for 29 years. On behalf of our First Lady, Sister Jacqueline B. Henry, our family, and church family, we are extremely excited about your connections to Macedonia. Whether you are connected via the internet, through Sunday morning worship, YouTube, a Bible study participant, or a recipient of some service offered through one of our ministries, we appreciate and welcome you to our fellowship of believers.
Our mission statement, as posted, is to create an atmosphere of worship and community among our members and our guests. We also strive to help you grow by sharing the Word of God with you through preaching and teaching. This is our objective and we aim to do just that!
My personal goal is to serve as a servant leader. I adopted Robert Greenleaf’s theory some years ago and I believe, as Jesus said in the Scriptures, those who seek to lead must become servants. Jesus was a servant leader. Greenleaf said, “The servant-leader shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible.” I strive to do the same. This is my personal mantra as I seek the advance the kingdom through my assignment at Macedonia. I want to see our members grow! Macedonia is part of the Wilmington community, so my assignment surpasses the walls of our church and spills over into our community as well. Therefore, I feel responsible for what effects our community as well as our state and the world.
I cherish the fact that my kingdom assignment is to provide spiritual nourishment to our church family through preaching and teaching locally. I am also honored to dually serve the Liberia Baptist Theological Seminary in Paynesville City, Liberia. LBTS is one of the leading schools in the country. God has blessed me to serve as servant leader there as well since my installation as the seventh President in March of 2017. I hope you can see my passion for preaching and teaching exudes from my very being!
Thank you for stopping by our webpage. I invite you to join us in worship, Bible study, or just stop by to see us. I can assure you it will be an exhilarating and unique experience! You will not leave the same.
Rev. Terry Henry